By Support | 16 May, 2019
This site uses the concept of a page bundle i.e. a page can have multiple images and pages attached to it - as a kind of container.
The idea behind this is that an editor can build the necessary page with all its assets offline, and then later place it somewhere where it can be auto included in the website build.
To save editing time, images are auto-scaled. To allow for better image presentation on the front page or lists, a separate teaser image can be included.
Note that image names can be language sensitive, i.e. you can have an image for each language
Body and teaser images need to be placed in the webassets directory.
As of Hugo v 55.6 (June 2019) this function is only available to pages which are not taxonomies or sections. Examples are “solutions”, “blog”.
For other directories of type taxonomy terms, taxonomy parent, sections parent, the image has to be in the directory itself.