By Marketing | 12 July, 2019

Manage changes safely
Git is a “distributed versioning system” that registers changes to files. “Distributed” in the sense that the software on the desktop can be synchronized with a server.
It’s designed to manage software changes in teams, but can also be used in the office.
Its excellent in tracking changes in plain text files such as Markdown-formatted text files.
It can also be used to track changes in files and directories.
Changes can easily be added to Git and, if necessary, a previous file or directory version can be rolled back. It serves as a safety net when a file is accidentally deleted and no backup is available.
Git is free and open source.
SensiOffice uses Git for its projects.
Our experience covers:
- Installation local Git software
- Installation and support of servers
- Training
Developing solutions
Some of the solutions upon which we have worked are:
- Use of Git for website development
- Use of Git in office environments
Some of the roles which we have fulfilled in projects
- Project support
- Administrator
- Consulting