By Marketing | 30 June, 2019
1. Description
SensiOffice ThinkTank services are focused on providing advice and ideas to problems.
2. Advantages
Perhaps you do not have the resources to search for a solution or work out various scenarios for a problem. Or as a CEO you might want to gain ideas discretely to a difficult topic: With our ThinkTank services you can offload the search to us.
3. Our expertise
Our ThinkTank relies on a network of over 50 qualified experts in the areas of personal, team building, coaching, mediation, finance, project management, product management, market research, customer and worker surveys, outsourcing, IT, call-centers.
4. Working together
The Thinktank can work hand-in-hand with you in various ways - for example as a sparring partner, as solution provider to a predefined scope of work.
5. First steps
Give us your problem to chew on and let us come up with various solutions, shifting the mindset from a “no go” to a “lets go”.