By Marketing | 10 July, 2019
1. Description
Depending on a website’s complexity, a website consists of several software components. These components can be the server itself, systems running on the server and modules needed for the website operation.
The SensiOffice WebCare service takes care of updating the software components so as, for example, to minimize a possible hacker attack.
Some of the tasks which will be done are:
- Update of the website software and modules
- Update of the operating system and components
- Backup of data
2. Advantages
WebCare takes care, for you, the constant maintenance of your software, so that it is always up to date.
3. Our expertise
SensiOffice has several years experience in the operations of various open source software solutions.
Some of the tools and methods we use are: Drupal, Hugo, Redmine, SuiteCRM, Apache, DNS, SSO, MySQL, Postgres, Linux, Ubuntu, PHP, Git, CI/CD, Docker, CSS, SASS, Javascript.
4. Working together
Our WebCare services are individually tailored to meet your needs.
5. First steps
Call us
UK: 0121 400 1181
US: +1 650 252 1270
AU: +61 2 8015 6891
Germany: 030 2238 1299
International: +49 30 2238 1299
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